Friday, September 25, 2009

autumn is here

this time of year always makes me want to stay home and cook. there are so many great veggies in season right now. i roasted some the other night and they were delicious! i love fall...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

lap top bag

i made a protective bag for my lap top! yeah! now i can take it to school and around town without so much worry, plus the handles make it easy to carry. the tutorial i followed for this bag are off of burda style. i love it!

Friday, August 7, 2009

sneak peak...

this is a sneak peak of the piece i am doing for an upcoming show. the show is an annual thing that was started 07-07-2007. this year is 09-09-2009, and the theme is labor. this piece is definately labor intensive. i am really excited to get it done!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

perfect morning

i love lazy mornings when i can wake up when i feel like it, and i don't have to get dressed until i feel like it either. this morning was one of those lovely mornings where i do not have anything to do until later in the day. so, i made some delicious chocolate chip pancakes. i think it will be a great day...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

boyfriend bag

i have a great roommate and best friend named william holland. he is an artist, and we often feed off of eachother for ideas, critiques and support. i made this bag from a pair of his old pants. when i first met him he wore them all the time. he thought they were the greatest pants ever! i finally convinced him to get rid of them, and then i made a bag out of them. it was not my intention when telling him that he should pitch them, but it worked out great. he thinks i was scheming for them the whole time! i added a vintage rhinstone button, and hand embroidered my logo on the back pocket. i love ruggidness of the pants agianst the girls details i added. i am so pleased with how the bag came together. i love it!

ps. check out his work:

Friday, June 19, 2009

goodbye e'lan

i have worked at e'lan contemporary furnishings for 8 years and 2 months. after much heartache and tough choices, the owners closed their doors this week. e'lan had been locally owned, by the same owners, for 37 years. they did not have children. the store was their baby, and their employees family. it seems so weird that my home away from home is gone. i am so sad for our owners, and my fellow employees. this is a very sad thing for omaha, and effects alot of people. even though i had plans to move on, it breaks my heart when i think that i will no longer be able to walk in that store, see my old friends and get some inspiration. there is nothing physical to reflect the time i spent there, and impact i made. i will look back on my years with e'lan fondly. i grew up there, was given amazing opportunities, and learned many priceless lessons. i know i will keep in touch with the people that i love from e'lan, but i am mourning the loss of what i worked so hard for and is now gone.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


rebecca cashman: three golden eyes
sandie holmes: jayestar designs

sandie holmes: jayestar designs

megan griffiths: madding crowd

corinne mchie:september house

amy morin: yoga ball monster,

amy morin:

anna beard: monkey boy clothing and bello uccello photography

so, i am the president for this great group of girls know as the omaha craft mafia. we are just one of the chapters branching out from the origional austin craft mafia. our members have been varied, and have come and gone with life changes, but these girls always inspire me, and i thought they might inspire you too.
you can find all the girls at:

Monday, June 15, 2009


it is said that change is good, however, too much simultaneous change has left me feeling uneasy... the store i have worked in, and loved, for eight and a half years is closing. even though i had already put plans in place to leave, actually locking the doors came very abruptly. it is the end of something great, and very sad for omaha to loose such a great store and local business. going back to school after 10 years has also been scary and overwhelming. starting a new job is thrown into the mix, and nothing is definite at the moment.

that being said, most of these changes in my life are good, and will make me so happy in the future. if there is not change there can not be improvment. so i thought i would focus on a few things that make me smile. little simplicities in life.

my wood floors
my star tattoos

focus. relax.

i have a blog!!!

i have been wanting to do this for a loooong time. i have followed alot of other inspiring and amazing blogs for a long time, but did not have the resources to create my own. now i do! yeah! hopefully i will be able to post some interesting and inspiring things for others to view. we will see...